Women Empowerment

Bringing women empowerment and running literacy campaign

The role of women in self-help groups is very strong. The habit of saving is making them self-reliant. They are also learning to take benefits from the schemes. A form of self-effort in developed areas. If seen in the last few years, women are taking part in it with great enthusiasm, due to which positive changes are being seen in their status in the society. The members of Self Help Groups create a fund from their regular savings and use that fund in case of emergency for the purpose of their collective purpose. Self-help groups also start rural based micro or small industries with the money of their funds, which creates new employment opportunities.Leadership is given to one of these groups who do all the management work. Formation of self-help groups reduces financial dependence on other institutions.

Working in a group is part of human nature. It has been realized that living in society, human beings cannot survive without the cooperation of each other.To do small tasks, man sometimes works by forming informal groups. The simple objective of the World Nari Shakti Foundation is to inculcate the habit of saving by forming a women’s group. So that their financial problems can be worked out and they can be happy by raising their heads.